How to find our ENT-practice in Frankfurt am Main

By car:

Our office is located in the inner city of Frankfurt close to the pedestrian zone/shopping area ZEIL. When entering the city of Frankfurt follow the blue and white parking signs to zone “D” and “Konstabler” .
The parking deck “Konstabler” is right beside our practice, if you leave by the exit “Töngesgasse” turn right into the next building, which is already the Ärztehaus Töngesgasse 22.


All U-and S- Bahnen (inner city trains) will stop either at the station HAUPTWACHE or KONSTABLERWACHE. From there it’s only a couple of minutes to our practice.

HNO Töngesgasse
Dr. Erb | Dr. Schramm | Dr. Altnöder-Schmidt

Töngesgasse Nr. 22
60311 Frankfurt
Tel. 069 28 83 77
Fax. 069 2 97 99 55

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